Dui Attorney California

All though the law in California states that it is illegal to drive a vehicle when you have an alcohol blood level above 0.08 percent, prosecuting authorities have been known to get convictions where drivers were below this amount. Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol endangers other's lives; the court sees this offence in a very serious light

Worst still, when some one has been injured or killed, the driver will then be charged with additional felonies or vehicular manslaughter. It is important that you secure the services of a DUI attorney; California alone boasts 142648 convictions for 2003.

These facts will be known by a good DUI attorney. California Law stipulates that a drunk driver will be charged with two counts. He will face one charge for driving over the limit and one for endangering lives. There are a number of other charges that you could face when arrested for DUI. If someone is injured the charges can be elevated to felonies. Say someone is killed; you can face a charge of vehicular manslaughter.

It is important that you secure an attorney that specializes in DUI. The lawyer should also appear in your local county court regularly. It can take up to twenty years for an attorney to build a reputable relationship with judges and prosecutors. Various statutes exist that makes room for you to be charged with more felonies:

" Not complying with a requests to take a chemical test
“Having a child under the age of fourteen as a passenger
“Having previous convictions for alcohol related charges
“If your blood alcohol level is above 0.20 percent
“More than one person suffering an injury
Potential punishments can range from local jail to state prison and the attendance of an obligatory drinking driving programme. Your license may also be taken away or suspended unless you are defended by a DUI attorney. California, like most states, has little tolerance for those who drive drunk, no matter your situation when you were caught. An experienced DUI lawyer will look into the circumstances around your arrest.
Felony charges can be reduced to misdemeanours with the help of a DUI attorney. California has statutory and constitutional laws, which when coupled with the unique circumstances around your case, could contribute to a not guilty verdict. For instance, if no one saw you behind the wheel of a moving car or if you were driving because of a particular emergency you can get off free. Also your drink may have been spiked with alcohol or you may have had a response to medication that was unexpected. There are a number of other situations which could work in your favour. An experienced DUI lawyer will know what they are.
It is important that you secure a specialized DUI attorney. California has its own association for qualified and respected DUI lawyers. The California DUI Lawyers Association is the only association for qualified DUI defence lawyers in California. The attorney should also have special training in chemical testing and field sobriety tests. The lawyer should not have any suspensions from the State Bar of California.
Article Source: http://www.articlearena.net