When Can I Expect My DUI To Disappear?

How long your DUI remains on your record depends on the laws of the jurisdiction in which you were convicted. There are a variety of methods that can be employed to reduce the effect your DUI may have on your present and future, even if your state doesn't have laws permitting expungement.

The first thing you should understand is that DUI is a political crime that carries a stigma. Local governments make huge amounts of money from this crime & they also feel immense pressure from private entities like Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Defendants in DUI cases face an uphill battle throughout the judicial process. From the time of arrest, to the time of sentencing, there will be several opportunities for the defendant to make their circumstances worse. You don't want to enter this process without a legal professional looking out for your best interests.

Learning about the DUI process is the true first step in protecting your rights. The best place to start getting information about your DUI situation, is to discuss the circumstances with a DUI lawyer in your area. Talking with a local DUI lawyer is important because they will be familiar with the DUI laws of your state. For example, if you're arrested for DUI in California, you want to discuss your situation with a California criminal lawyer who handles DUI cases.

Since a DUI charge may last for as little as a couple years, or as longs as your entire life, it is important to understand that steps and procedures that can be taken to reduce the impact a DUI can have. Even if your state doesn't have rules governing expungements, there are many things that can be done to reduce the negative effects of a DUI conviction.

After identifying how long the DUI will remain on your record, based on your state law, the next step is to figure out what you can do to minimize the severity of the DUI's effects on your life. While you may never be able to permanently erase the DUI charge from your criminal record, a criminal lawyer can point out what the best course of action for you to take is.

Article Source: http://www.avidarticles.com