Minneapolis DUI Attorney: Basic Facts to Know

Understanding the Ramifications of an Arrest for Driving Under the Influence

Minnesota DWI laws are actually very much confusing. So, it is essential for people living in Minnesota or drivers especially to understand what is exactly meant by DWI law and what are the ramifications that can result from DWI arrest. Most of the people are also very much confused about DUI law and DWI law.

Firstly, it is important to clear the two terms—DUI and DWI. DUI means Driving Under Influence and DWI means Driving While Impaired. Both of them refer to arrest related to drunk driving offense. Actually the statute about drunk driving has changed a number of times by Minnesota law. It is due to this reason the DUI law has not become an easy term to understand. However, DUI is not a legal term in Minnesota. DWI is the legal term but still these two terms are used interchangeably.

Drivers must understand the ramifications of arrest for DUI Minnesota. A Minnesota DWI Lawyer can make a person understand the DWI law in a much detailed and better manner. The vehicle you are driving may also be a subject to permanent forfeiture. The license of the driver can be revoked for some time. Then, if you have previous offenses of DUI, you may face felony DUI charges or even a gross misdemeanor. So, drivers must always take the help of a Minnesota DWI Attorney if he/she is charged with an offense of DUI Minnesota.

The arrest can be made for a number of offences committed by the driver. Actually a driver can be charged with several types of DWI violations. You might be wondering that why was it necessary to charge you with so many counts. Minnesota DWI law essentially allows each count to be viewed as the method of committing the violation. These charges at the time of sentencing are used for determining the severity and length of sentence and also as whether the charge is a gross misdemeanor, a misdemeanor or felony.

The driver might have been charged with only one charge or more than one charge during the time of arrest. The charges that can be put under DWI law are driving while impaired, when blood alcohol concentration is above .80%, when the blood alcohol concentration is over .80% within just two hours of driving or when the driver refuses the testing.

When a person is sentenced, he/she can only be convicted for any one of the offenses. Other offenses are to be dismissed. A person cannot be convicted for several charges brought against him/her.

You can also be charged for crimes that fall outside the statutes of DWI like you might be charged with things like driving even after cancellation, leaving an accident scene or fleeing the police officer. In all these situations, you will be facing separate and additional incarceration sentences or/and other punishments. An expert Minneapolis DUI Attorney will very well know whether law allows sentences for other such offenses to be served concurrently or consecutively. An experienced Minneapolis DWI Lawyer tries their best to help out their clients.

Article Source: http://www.articlesarticles.net