Drinking and Driving Offenses - The Ins and Outs of DUIs!

When you are stopped for one of the many drinking and driving offenses that are going on all over hte place, then it is important that you know exactly what to expect from a conviction. When you are charged with a DUI it can change your life forever and you can very easily end up with a new type of lifestyle. Here are just a few of the things you could be facing.

Usually if it is your first offense you are looking at a 90 to 180 license suspension, maybe a few days in jail, 6 to 12 months of probation, a little bit of community service, and a couple of alcohol related classes. These are the minimum charges for a first time offender, but do remember that you could get stiffer penalties. Plus you will have a very large hike in your insurance rates and many fines to pay.

Now if you get arrested for your second drinking and driving offense, then you are going to face much stiffer penalties. This could include a year of jail time, however you probably will get between 30 and 60 days. This will also include a year to two years of license suspension, and you will alos get probation, community service, and those high fines that come along with the DUI.

Last, if it is your third drinking and driving offense, then you are in some pretty big trouble. This will most likely be a felony, which means you are going to spend at least 6 months in jail. You will also have your license suspended for 5 years to life. This will also mean you will spend time on probation after your jail time, you will be labelled as an ex con, and you may have to attend AA classes.

Article Source: http://www.articles2go.co.uk