How to Handle a DUI

When you receive a DUI, it can be a life-shattering event. There are numerous complications that can arise both in court and in your personal life. This is a process that can truly be one of the most difficult you could ever endure and if you don’t handle your case right, the effects can be long lasting.

Everyone makes mistakes but not all drivers who get a DUI are actually guilty. Equipment can malfunction, and police may not have performed the stop correctly. You need to be aware of all of your rights so that you can successfully fight your DUI in court. If you don’t, your driving record, insurance and possibly even your job can suffer irreparable damage.

The first step you need to take after you get a DUI is to contact a qualified law firm. You need to make sure that you are working with someone that actually concentrates in this field of practice. Although any attorney can help you with a DUI, not every one is well versed in the intricacies of this type of law. You don’t call a plumber to perform heart surgery, so don’t entrust your DUI case to a lawyer that doesn’t concentrate in this particular area of the law.

After you contact a law firm, they will begin asking you some questions about the stop that resulted in the DUI. This is due to the fact that there are many technicalities that can work in your favor. Whether the police failed to perform the stop correctly or they did not have just cause to pull you over, there are many areas of the law that can result in your winning a DUI case.

The law firm will need to determine whether or not the equipment used by the police was in fact operating properly. There are times when this equipment does malfunction. In addition, there are medical conditions that can mimic the effects of alcohol and some may even throw off the equipment, causing it to give a false reading.

After this process, the law firm will be able to decide how best to represent your case. This stage is very important, especially if you have not yet had your DMV hearing. You are going to need proper representation at this hearing in order to increase your chances of winning your case. This the main reason that it is vital to contact an attorney immediately after receiving a DUI.

When you have the right representation on your DUI case, you can be assured that you are going to have the benefit of due process working on your behalf. You need the years of experience that a law firm can provide and you need this kind of support. Without it, guilty or not, you could face serious consequences that can alter the course of your future.

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